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Manabu Miyazaki "The Pencil of Nature"

Izu Photo Museum


Manabu Miyazaki
Manabu Miyazaki is a photographer who, since the early 1970s, has devised robotic cameras equipped with infrared sensors to photograph wild animals, lifting the veil of the forest that has concealed them. By using the penetrating vision of a hunter and cutting-edge equipment, he has made it possible for animals themselves to snap photographs.

The title of this exhibition comes from The Pencil of Nature, the world’s first photography book, which was produced by one of the inventors of photography, William Henry Fox Talbot. “Pencil of nature” implied that photographs are self-portraits that nature (light) draws by itself, and this concept applies to Miyazaki’s methodology as well. His work has translated mute nature into the visual language of photography, while in recent years, photographs of the wild animals that have increasingly encroached on human habitats and alien species that humans have introduced provide a mirror that reflects contemporary society.

This exhibition, his first solo show at the museum, will feature 130 photographs from his major series, including Ural Owls (which won the 9th Ken Domon Award), Animal Trails, Death, Persimmon Trees, and Contemporary Wild Animals. Explore the unknown world of animals through the work of this “news photographer of the natural world.”

See website for details on related events.


Jan 13 (Sun) 2013-Apr 14 (Sun) 2013 

Opening Hours Information

Until 18:00 from April to Augast.
Until 16:30 from November to January.
Open on public holiday Wednesday but closed on the following day.
Closed during the New Year holidays and in between exhibitions.
January 10:00-16:30, February-March 10:00-17:00, April 10:00-18:00, open March 20, closed March 21
FeeAdults ¥800, University and High School Students ¥400, Junior High School Students and Under free.
VenueIzu Photo Museum
Location347-1 Clematis no Oka, Sunto-gun, Nagaizumi-cho, Shizuoka 411-0931
AccessFrom the North exit of JR Mishima Station, take the free shuttle bus for 25 minutes.
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