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Picasso’s Animals: From an Illustrated Book Based on Buffon’s Natural History

National Museum Of Western Art, Tokyo


Pablo Picasso
Pablo Picasso (1881–1973), world-renowned for masterpieces such as Guernica, created a massive number of art works in diverse media, from paintings to sculpture and ceramics. His print oeuvre numbers more than 2,000 images, including his fascinating series of illustrations based Buffon’s Natural History.

Thanks to its concise and witty prose, Natural History (1749–67), an encyclopedic work by 18th century French naturalist Georges-Louis Leclerc Comte de Buffon (1707–1788), remained extremely popular as late as the early 20th century. The Parisian art dealer Ambroise Vollard capitalized on its fame by proposing that Picasso illustrate a small selection of the descriptions of various animals found in it. Accepting this commission, Picasso produced around 30 prints depicting animals, birds, and insects.

While Buffon’s Natural History illustrated each entry with intricate and accurately rendered images of its subject, Picasso chose not to base his prints on those images, but instead produce his own creative series of illustrations. At times short on details, these works express the vitality and dynamic sensibility of each subject. Picasso was fond of animals and is said to have kept a variety of pets throughout his life. That interest in and affection for living things may have contributed to the fascinating expressions found in this print series.


Jul 9 (Tue) 2013-Aug 25 (Sun) 2013 

Opening Hours Information

Closes at 20:00 on Fridays and Saturdays.
Open on a public holiday Monday but closed on the following day.
Closed during the New Year holidays.
FeeAdults ¥500; University Students ¥250; High School Students and Under, Seniors 65 & Over, Persons with Disability Certificates + 1 Companion free; Special Exhibition Fees are charged separately.
VenueNational Museum Of Western Art, Tokyo
Location7-7 Ueno-Koen, Taito-ku, Tokyo 110-0007
Access1 minute walk from the Koen exit of JR Ueno Station, 7 minute walk from the Main exit of Keisei Ueno Station on the Keisei line.
Phone050-5541-8600 (Hello Dial)