Posted:Aug 26, 2019

Summer Night Museum 2019

Five Tokyo municipal museums offer extended summer hours!

Once again this summer, city municipal art and history museums will stay open until 9 PM on Friday evenings (also Thursdays at the Tokyo Photographic Art Museum) for Summer Night Museum 2019.

Five venues will participate: the newly renovated Museum of Contemporary Art Tokyo, Tokyo Metropolitan Edo-Tokyo Museum, Tokyo Metropolitan Teien Art Museum, Tokyo Metropolitan Art Museum, and Tokyo Photographic Art Museum. There will be student discounts for admissions after 5 PM, and each museum will feature events including mini-concerts and gallery talks.

For details, please refer to information from each museum or the Tokyo Metropolitan Foundation for History and Culture Summer Night Museum 2019 official website.

Summer Night Museum 2019

Tokyo Metropolitan Teien Art Museum
Extended opening hours: Until 9 PM (last admission at 20:30) every Friday from July 26 through August 30

Interior Decorating in 1933: Architectural Materials and People at the Former Prince Asaka Residence
※Student discounts for admissions after 5 PM on Fridays from July 26 through August 30

Tokyo Metropolitan Art Museum
Extended opening hours: Until 9 PM (last admission at 20:30) every Friday from July 26 through August 30

Yasuko Iba, A Way of Seeing
※Student discounts for admissions after 5 PM on Fridays from July 26 through August 30

Museum of Contemporary Art Tokyo
Extended opening hours: Until 9 PM (last admission at 20:30) every Friday from July 26 through August 30

●Main Exhibitions
Now, It’s Time to Play,
MOT Collection Part 2: Pleased to Meet You. New Acquisitions in Recent Years
※Student discounts for admissions after 5 PM on Fridays from July 26 through August 30)

Tokyo Photographic Art Museum
Extended opening hours: Until 9 PM (last admission at 20:30) every Thursday and Friday from July 18 through August 30

●Main Exhibitions
TOP Collection
Reading Images: The Stories of Four Places

※Student discounts for admissions after 5 PM on Thursdays and Fridays from July 18 through August 2
Shimada Tadashi: Wild Moments The World of Beautiful Birds
※Student discounts for admissions after 5 PM on Thursdays and Fridays from July 25 through August 30

Tokyo Metropolitan Edo-Tokyo Museum
Extended opening hours: Until 9 PM (last admission at 20:30) every Friday from July 19 through August 30

●Main Exhibitions
Special Exhibition The History of Sport in Japan – From the Edo Period to the Tokyo Olympics
※Open until 9 PM on Fridays from July 19 through August 23

Other Special Night Openings
Edo-Tokyo Open Air Architectural Museum “Downtown Summer Night Breeze:
A Museum Festival [Special Night Opening]”
Hours: 3 PM through 8:30 PM on August 3 (Saturday) and August 4 (Sunday)
Museum is open from 9:30 AM. Last admission at 8 PM.

Event: Summer Night Museum 2019
Period: July 18 (Thursday) [*From July 26 (Friday) at Tokyo Metropolitan Teien Art Museum, Tokyo Metropolitan Art Museum, Museum of Contemporary Art Tokyo] through August 30 (Friday)
Participating Venues: Tokyo Metropolitan Edo-Tokyo Museum, Tokyo Metropolitan Teien Art Museum, Tokyo Metropolitan Art Museum, Museum of Contemporary Art Tokyo, Tokyo Photographic Art Museum
Official Website:

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