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Where My Words Belong

Museum of Contemporary Art Tokyo


Yuni Hong Charpe, Mayunkiki, Mai Nagumo, Hideo Arai, Kim Insook
In the world, there are various languages, and even within a single language, there are countless rich variations due to dialects, and generational and experiential differences in vocabulary and grammar. Depending on the conversation partner or situation, some people may use words understood only among friends or family, or switch between multiple languages. Some feelings can be conveyed without words. All of these stem from the culmination of experiences within an individual, forming "my language."

Just as learning another language allows one to explore the culture and history of the people who created that language, getting to know someone may begin with an attempt to understand their "my language" without replacing it with another language.

This exhibition presents works by five artists- Yuni Hong Charpe, Mayunkiki, Mai Nagumo, Hideo Arai, and Kim Insook. Their works aim to raise awareness and focus on the presence of different languages in a society that may seem to share a common language and the nuances within the same language. The exhibition features pieces expressing the struggle to pronounce non-native words, narratives about situations where one might have acquired another language besides their first, artwork depicting staring into the eyes of someone with whom language doesn't connect, and experiences of listening intently to catch small voices. Through these works, the exhibition aims to allow each viewer to appreciate someone else's "my language" and cherish their own "my language," recognizing the differences.


Apr 18 (Thu) 2024-Jul 7 (Sun) 2024 

Opening Hours Information

Open on April 29 and May 6.
Closed on April 30 and May 7.
FeeAdults ¥1400; University Students, Seniors 65 & Over ¥1000; High School and Junior High School Students ¥600; Elementary School Students and Under free.

 10% discount / Up to 2 people / Not applicable for set tickets. Not valid with other discounts.

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VenueMuseum of Contemporary Art Tokyo
Location4-1-1 Miyoshi, Koto-ku, Tokyo 135-0022
Access9 minute walk from exit B2 at Kiyosumi-shirakawa Station on the Hanzomon line, 14 minute walk from exit 3 at Kiba Station on the Tozai line.
Phone050-5541-8600 (Hello Dial)
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未訪問ですがとても気になっています。 先日J-WAVEでも本展に触れていたので、とにかく楽しみ。 (あわせて2階のサンドイッチにもいきたい…)