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"Haiku-Graphic Artist Koichi Sato" Exhibition

Matsuya Design Gallery


Koichi Sato
The Japan Design Committee is hosting an exhibition entitled "Haiku-Graphic Artist Koichi Sato", introducing "haiku-graphic" work by graphic designer Koichi Sato.

Since ancient times, "kakejiku (hanging scrolls)" have been loved by many people as important work of art within traditional Japanese culture. In the Asuka Period, along with the introduction of Buddhism to Japan, kakejiku were much-prized in the domain of Buddhist art as objects to be hung and admired. During the Muromachi Period, with the blossoming of "chano-yu (tea ceremony)", ink-painted kakejiku were often displayed in "tokono-ma (little alcove)", while in the Edo Period, they went through remarkable changes, incorporating beautiful textile such as nishijin brocade for part of their cover decorations. After the war, however, the daily use of kakejiku became less frequent due to considerable lifestyle changes.

At such times, this exhibition proposes a new type of kakejiku designed by Koichi Sato where his haiku and graphic art are combined with ingenuity, while also introducing a new way to incorporate them in our modern daily living.


Aug 19 (Wed) 2009-Sep 15 (Tue) 2009 

Opening Hours Information

VenueMatsuya Design Gallery
Location7F Matsuya Ginza, 3-6-1 Ginza, Chuo-ku, Tokyo 104-8130
AccessDirect walk from exit A12 at Ginza Station on the Hibiya, Marunouchi and Ginza lines. 3 minute walk from exit 9 at Ginza-itchome Station on the Yurakucho line, 3 minute walk from exit A8 at Higashi-ginza Station on the Toei Asakusa line.
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