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Chris Jahncke "Future Shock"

Motus Fort


Chris Jahncke
Motus Fort is pleased to present "Future Shock," an exhibition of new works by artist Chris Jahncke.

Future Shock will be Chris Jahncke’s first solo show at Motus Fort. The artist expands on themes that have perpetually echoed in his mind. Previous and ongoing bodies of work explore other worldly beings that manifest in the human mind as psychological reverberation, primarily monsters, aliens, ape-men, ghosts, etc. In this latest exploration, Jahncke literally engages other worldly objects, meteorites. Their dual nature as creator and destroyer and their impact on the universal human psyche attracts; engages. In this presentation, Jahncke assembles several of these primordial objects as his subjects, collaging them within dense layers of viscous paint made of pigment and marble dust. The result is a selection of subtle paintings that conjure phenomena in nature like craters or fossilized evidence. The paint applied in heavy textures, almost half an inch thick in places, is analogous to surface impact or geological formations. The colors both supra-natural and organic appear out of time as if in a lost phase of modernism simultaneously ancient and futuristic.

Jahncke encountered meteorites in museums, where he observed the crystalline patterns found on some acid-etched, iron-based meteorites and recognized in them a resemblance to his obsessive, abstract drawings. After failing to print with meteorite cross-sections, he proceeded to place them within the paintings themselves. Jahncke was further influenced by the fragile yet violent nature of meteorites, whose destiny is to float through time and either eventually strike another object or disintegrate. Aside from curios, meteorites have profoundly influenced science and myth, notably Egyptians, who believed that a meteorite was the source of their creation myth. They even posited that the design of the Pyramids may have been modeled after an iron meteorite that fell to earth but retained its conical shape. Such legends persist, and new ones are created. Astrological predictions also maintain that in 2029, Aphosis, a large meteor, may pass the earth's orbit below the satellites.

With Future Shock, Jahncke seeks not to illustrate, but offer viewers fresh pathways to consider questions of time, space, creation, and destruction by letting fantasy and fact intermingle.


Feb 6 (Fri) 2009-Mar 7 (Sat) 2009 

Opening Hours Information

Monday, Tuesday, Sunday, Holidays

Opening Reception Feb 6 (Fri) 2009 18:00 - 21:00

VenueMotus Fort
Location2F Mitsuyoshi Bldg., 1-3-5 Higashikanda, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 101-0031
Access4 minute walk from Bakurocho Station on the JR Sobu line, 5 minute walk from exit A1 at Bakuro-yokoyama Station on the Toei Shinjuku line.
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