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“Lady Under A Tree & Figures Under A Tree”

MOA Museum of Art
To commemorate the 100th year that the Otani Expeditions brought back the Important Cultural Property “Lady Under a Tree”, (owned by MOA Museum of Art), excavated from the Astana Karakhoja Tombs of Turfan, East Turkestan, this historical artifact is reunited with the Important Cultural Property, “Figures Under a Tree”, owned by Tokyo National Museum, said to be part of the same series of work, yet brought into Japan via separate routes and held separately. Here these works are shown together for the first time, alongside “Painted Sarira Casket” (owned by Tokyo National Museum), a masterpiece of Western Chinese Art also collected by the Otani Expeditions.

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Erhu concert
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[Image: “Lady Under A Tree” China, Tang dynasty 8th c.]


Oct 4 (Fri) 2013-Nov 13 (Wed) 2013 

Opening Hours Information

(Last Admission 16:00)
Open on public holiday Thursday but closed on the following day.
Closed in between exhibitions.
FeeAdults ¥1760; University and High School Students ¥1100; Seniors 65 & Over ¥1540; Junior High School Students and Under, Persons with Disability Certificates + 2 Companion free
VenueMOA Museum of Art
Location26-2 Momoyama-cho, Atami-shi, Shizuoka 413-8511
Access5 minutes by taxi from JR Atami Station; From JR Atami Station, take the Izu Tokai bus towards MOA Museum of Art and get off at MOA Museum of Art.
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